Shipping & Return Policy

Usually all orders are processed and shipped within 3-15 working days.

How soon will I receive my package after my order placed? There are two key factors that will decide when you will receive your package.

  1. Item Processing Time: The processing time is the time it takes for the seller to prepare the item(s) for shipment. There are different processing times for different items depending on product category and volume. Usually it is around 36 hours to process.
  2. Shipping Method: Delivery time varies with shipping method. Time in transit varies depending on where you’re located and where your package is coming from.

Easy 30-Day Returns

We’re committed to your total satisfaction. If, for any reason, you’re not completely happy with your purchase, you can get a full refund of the product price and any associated tax, within 30 business days of receipt of the item(s). To receive either a credit toward an exchange or a credit on your charge account, please note that all returns and exchanges must be in new, unused or unworn condition with the original tags and stickers attached. Items deemed worn, used, dirty or missing tags will be returned to purchaser at their expense and no refund will be issued. Customized and personalized items are not returnable. Since lost return shipments are the responsibility of the customer, be sure to obtain a tracking number from the courier for the return shipment. All transactions are secured. The website is provided with an SSL encryption system to protect personal and payment data. We do not sell or ship any items ordered through the Site directly to anyone we know to be under the age of 18. We will not collect and personally identifiable information (e.g. name, address, telephone number and e-mail address), also referred to herein as “personal information”, about you unless you provide it to us voluntarily.